To celebrate the upcoming release of Deadlock by Cherrie Lynn on June 25th, Entangled Publishing has arranged a Scavenger Hunt! Follow the links at the end of each stop and collect clues along the way! Click here to start at the beginning of the Scavenger Hunt. At the end, enter your clues to be entered to win the grand prize: a Nespresso Espresso maker and coffee goodies to keep your all-night hacking (or reading) sessions going strong. You might find a few bonus giveaways in hidden links throughout the Scavenger Hunt, too, including print copies of Deadlock!
I'm excited to host a Q&A with Cherrie!
What was the hardest scene for you to write
Definitely the action toward the end! Choreographing things like that is a challenge for me. I feel my strengths are dialogue and emotion, so it’s difficult to not sound stilted or like I’m going down a laundry list of physical actions. Like “he did this and he did this and then he did that.”
Who was your favorite character to write?
I always like writing the hero’s POV better than the heroine’s. So between my main characters, definitely Jace. Among the secondary characters, it would have to be Helix. He was a lot of fun! I like the quirky, kinda smartass characters.
Scavenger Hunt: Who was Cherrie’s favorite secondary character in Deadlock to write?
Next stop, Splashes into Books
Deadlock releases June 25th! You can pick it up in paperback from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and wherever books are sold. Add it on Goodreads!