Friday, January 22, 2016

Captured: Gowns & CrownsCaptured: Gowns & Crowns by Jennifer Chance
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Captured is Lauren's story in the Gowns & Crowns series. I have to admit I loved Emmaline's story and was really looking forward to seeing what was next in this series. The group of friends meet Prince Kristos and his fellow military friends in the first story. In this story the ladies are still on the island because of the huge media storm that started in the Courted so this is a direct continuation of the story but from a different perspective. I received an early release copy of Captured in exchange for review. I have to admit that Lauren was the one I liked the least of the friends. The ladies have very diverse backgrounds and personalities.

Lauren is the wealthy friend who has been having a problem for many years but it appears to be coming to a head in Captured. She is being stalked by a very wealthy man. She has stayed on the move and out of his reach for quite some time. With Lauren and her friends being "sequestered" on Garronia her stalker has her cornered. Dimitri is captain of the security force of Garronia and he has taken on the role that Kristos previously had before his role in the royal family changed. Dimitri and Lauren appear to severely dislike each other. They snipe constantly but, Dimitri is thrown into keeping Lauren safe, sometimes from herself. They both recognize that there is a physical attraction but it is something they keep internalized. Though Dimitri wants to stay as far away from Lauren as possible the dangerous situation she faces throws Dimitri into the danger to keep her from a man who wants to control her physically, mentally and financially.

Captured is a great addition to the Gowns & Crowns series. Though I started out the read gritting my teeth every time Lauren said something rude or disrespectful towards the end of the book I did feel for her situation, especially her relationship with her parents. But, seeing how the story was resolved for not only Lauren's fight against her stalker but also her tenuous relationship with her parents, I did begin to cheer for her and want her to be safe and accept the love and help that her friends, both old and new, offered her both emotionally and physically.

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