Thursday, January 14, 2016

Inconceivable!Inconceivable! by Tegan Wren
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Inconceivable fits in with my guilty pleasure reads, modern day royal romances. It is the story of Hatty and Prince John who is third in line for the throne after his grandmother and father, Prince Leopold. They meet at a Karaoke bar and though they expect to not see each other again Hatty is assigned to write a story about the royal family and they fall for each other all over again. As they grow closer together Hatty's professional life becomes a point of contention, especially a story she is covering on the smelting plant that the royal family owns. Things really heat up and they marry. Hatty becomes a target for every news agency and tabloid in the world that wants to sling mud and innuendo. She gives up everything to be with John, her job, finishing her degree and her home in the Ozarks.

Prince John and Hatty's marriage does work well and they grow closer and begin to have hopes of having a child which as a royal prince in line for the thrown is expected of John. Months go on and Hatty does not get pregnant and she begins to worry. She starts researching what could be happening and starts trying different tips she finds on the Internet. As more time goes and comments from Prince Leopold cause her worry to increase about her continuing not to get pregnant and the repurcussions it could have on her marriage. Hatty is alone in a foreign country and close to only her husband. The longer Hatty does not get pregnant the worse the situation and ridicule appears to get and someone is telling the tabloids their secrets. Hatty is being pushed by her own desire to be a mother, the comments from strangers and the comments from her husband's family. I have to admit this did not end the way I expected it to end, dare I say the way I hoped it end. But, I can say the resolution is still gratifying.

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